What is right, with our current food habit, in India?
Well, there is a short and a long answer!.
Short answer,m is 'Nothing'.
That said, the long one is a direct manifestation of Indian middle class lifestyle. Every thing is feeding into it! Indian lifestyle is killing its own people, steadily and systemically... And there is no easy fix!
What has been, the lineage?
Well, the current generation looks for western lineage, while the west itself, at ground level, transforming, itself from its old, system, towards more natural inputs!... Natural inputs means, looking towards Asia in general and India and China in particular... The west is looking towards Hindu and Buddist monk foods!
In India, the Right food culture has gradually and definitely disappeared to the oblivion...
Today, besides fast food culture, we have mall culture....thus the original culture of AgriCulture is forgotten....
What does that mean?
Well. in the AgriCultural civilization(Culture), the agri(or food) products are grown as per the season and soil they live in and consume those produce, as they are available, for that season. Hence the menu is dependent upon the available variety, as dictated by mother nature. This has been the practice and hence man and animals lived happily without any disturbance to eco system and good health prevailed!
Now in the mall culture, the entire demand cycle has revered. The mall and the mall goer demands what he/she wants and it is malls responsibility to provide, for its consumer/customers. Hence you find mangoes available all thro the year in the mall and so are oranges, and apples and what not, besides a flurry of vegetables. Now given that, these vegetables and fruits cannot grow all thro the year, in their natural environment, cash-rich crops are grown, with GM or hybrid seeds, provided by industrial-biotech innovations, by captive farming methods. These modified crops are not consumption and digestion friendly to the human body(or for that matter any living organisms). And hence it is as good as garbage!
Now, any average computer science kid will say, that the computer output will be GIGO(Garbage In Garbage Out)..
So if we consume such garbage, what would, our body constitution would be, now and then in future, and in-turn our off spring would be!
End of part#1
to be continued....
Well, there is a short and a long answer!.
Short answer,m is 'Nothing'.
That said, the long one is a direct manifestation of Indian middle class lifestyle. Every thing is feeding into it! Indian lifestyle is killing its own people, steadily and systemically... And there is no easy fix!
What has been, the lineage?
Well, the current generation looks for western lineage, while the west itself, at ground level, transforming, itself from its old, system, towards more natural inputs!... Natural inputs means, looking towards Asia in general and India and China in particular... The west is looking towards Hindu and Buddist monk foods!
In India, the Right food culture has gradually and definitely disappeared to the oblivion...
Today, besides fast food culture, we have mall culture....thus the original culture of AgriCulture is forgotten....
What does that mean?
Well. in the AgriCultural civilization(Culture), the agri(or food) products are grown as per the season and soil they live in and consume those produce, as they are available, for that season. Hence the menu is dependent upon the available variety, as dictated by mother nature. This has been the practice and hence man and animals lived happily without any disturbance to eco system and good health prevailed!
Now in the mall culture, the entire demand cycle has revered. The mall and the mall goer demands what he/she wants and it is malls responsibility to provide, for its consumer/customers. Hence you find mangoes available all thro the year in the mall and so are oranges, and apples and what not, besides a flurry of vegetables. Now given that, these vegetables and fruits cannot grow all thro the year, in their natural environment, cash-rich crops are grown, with GM or hybrid seeds, provided by industrial-biotech innovations, by captive farming methods. These modified crops are not consumption and digestion friendly to the human body(or for that matter any living organisms). And hence it is as good as garbage!
Now, any average computer science kid will say, that the computer output will be GIGO(Garbage In Garbage Out)..
So if we consume such garbage, what would, our body constitution would be, now and then in future, and in-turn our off spring would be!
End of part#1
to be continued....