Wednesday, August 16, 2017

How we can save on water, daily?.. A personal experience, by KrishnaNand

How we can save on water, daily?.. A personal experience!

Namaste and Greetings to all!

Conventional tap, dispenses high volume of water, than usage needs. Plus taps are designed for max out flow of water, every second.  And that suits our fast paced modern life.  In reality, very high volume of water is wasted than good use.

Use Aerator Adapter, on dispensing end of the tap, to save over 500% of water from run-off.
-Method: I used a simple method of usage; ‘the regular behavior’ to establish the savings.
Max direct usage of water by people are in Sink or wash basin. And the wastage is unknown! Lets explore…

Step1: With regular Tap:
I looked for typical use-case and picked up face-washing and soap application.

Usual behavior is to open the tap--> to wet the face, -→keep the tap flowing-→ apply soup-→ scrub/massage face and neck for few mins, while the water is running(bcoz, with soapy hand, only does not find comfort in turning the tap off.. and equally, turning on is difficult, bcoz of soapy hand)

Typically one takes 1 to 2mins, some times 3 to 5 mins to wash face.

Findings: Then I set up, a timer to measure flow of water with regular-opened-tap(1/8 of full turn). It took 4 secs to fill a liter of water.(this could vary, depending on tank pressure and the floor you stay… lower the floor higher the pressure head, hence higher is fill rate…)

So in about 1 min, each individual wud have dispensed 15 litres, to a whopping 75litres in 5 mins, depending on his/her behavior… all drained out as run-off.

This is only with face wash… One can estimate similar run-offs while brushing teeth and shaving etc..

Step2: Installed Eco 365-3LPM aerator. And repeated the above procedure, with same behavior..
Water flow, appeared full as before, with streaky flow, psychologically giving same impression as full flow, as before.
Now ran the timer: It took 40 secs to fill a liter of water… I did not feel deprivation of water, to perform the said activity.

Saving Calculation:
Water use with regular tap, for 1 min=15liters(i.e 4sec X15=60 sec. Hence 15 liters)
Water use with aerator installed tap, for 1 min= 1.5 Liters.(for 60 sec)

Saving is evident that (15-1.5)=13.5 liters/min
% saving of water is (13.5/1.5)X100=900% water savings…. So its a ‘must have’ action!

..Disclosure: Considering variation is use, by individuals and other factors stated above, and keeping some conservatism, I declared a saving of 500%+, on moving to this aerator…

Highly recommend for adoption as I’ve tested, at my home on all four sinks and wash basins

Best wishes!

Other water austerities, recommended for immediate implementations..
a) Reduce flush gate to 50% of flush tank-fill. Sufficient to flush toilet.
b) Use hand shower, that way, by behavior correction, once only needed water will get used and run-off reduced. Better still use a bucket+mug. Use water judiciously!
c) Use washing machine in economy, or quick wash mode, most times. For a family of 4 to 5, u don’t need full wash-time.
d) Pls instruct maids and domestic helps to turn of kitchen/Sink tap, when not rinsing vessels.
e) If u r using RO water plant, pls recognize, RO plant throws out(run-off) 3portions for providing 1portion of consumption...Pls collect the run-off water in buckets and use it for bathing, toilet flush tank, plant watering and vessel cleaning, floor wash/mopping etc.. (BTW: RO is more a health damager.. its a different discussion...reach me separately for remedy...u dont need to throw away ur costly RO plant).

Lets all do our part, to save ourselves, our family, our society and ofcourse our country, from blind (=irresponsible) adaptation of technologies...It has to be a peoples’ movement… Govt is like a large biz house….and much slower to react to any humble/ordinary citizens’ needs!

Similarly, lets look at every resource and drive austerity, including car pooling...What we save today, is available tomorrow, for our use and of-course our children’s use!

Jai Bharat!

KrishnaNand PattabiRaman

PS: My reason for doing this exercise, is bcoz of my personal pain, of immediate economic savings needed. I run a boot strapped startup.. So every penny/dime/paise is valuable. … If u follow the above method, u (Each Flat) could save Rs2500/- each month, from wastage( savings literally from the proverbial down-the-drain)(that is Rs200,000/- a month, from 80 flats)…  Best wishes, again!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The economics of using A2 milk directly from farmer

The Economics of the Bazaar milk (Packet), A1 Vs  A2 Milk from farmer.

Typical milk-products requirements(based on monthly consumption in our home of 2 adults and 2 children), per month.

Milk=30 litres
Ghee=2 litres

Cost with A1 milk products. Ive used Nandini products which we have been using for long.

  • Cost of milk= 30XRs40/-=Rs1200/-
  • Cost of Curd= 12XRs50/-=Rs600/-
  • Cost of Ghee= 1XRs1000/-=Rs1000/-
    • --> Total Cost: RsR2800/-
Cost of A2 milk
  • Cost of milk=30XRs90/-=Rs2700/-
  • Cost of curd=12X0=Rs0/- (Curd home made from A2 milk)
  • Cost of Ghee=1X0=Rs0/-(Ghee home made from A2 milk; market price is Rs2000/-)
    • --Total Cost=Rs2700/-
Economics of A2 is well clear. This is the least of advantages. The Health benefit of A2 is 100%. And plus you save yourself from the poison of A1 proteins, which is a huge advantage!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Whats is right, with our current food habbit in India?"

What is right, with our current food habit, in India?

Well,  there is a short and a long answer!.
Short answer,m is 'Nothing'.

That said, the long one is a direct manifestation of Indian middle class lifestyle. Every thing is feeding into it!   Indian lifestyle is killing its own people, steadily and systemically... And there is no easy fix!

What has been, the lineage

Well, the current generation looks for western lineage, while the west itself, at ground level, transforming, itself from its old, system, towards more natural inputs!... Natural inputs means, looking towards Asia in general and India and China in particular... The west is looking towards Hindu and Buddist monk foods!

In India, the Right food culture has gradually and definitely disappeared to the oblivion...
Today, besides fast food culture, we have mall culture....thus the original culture of AgriCulture is forgotten....

What does that mean?

Well. in the AgriCultural civilization(Culture), the agri(or food) products are grown as per the season and soil they live in and consume those produce, as they are available, for that season. Hence the menu is dependent upon the available variety, as dictated by mother nature.  This has been the practice and hence man and animals lived happily without any disturbance to eco system and good health prevailed!

Now in the mall culture, the entire demand cycle has revered. The mall and the mall goer demands what he/she wants and it is malls responsibility to provide, for its consumer/customers. Hence you find mangoes available all thro the year in the mall and so are oranges, and apples and what not, besides a flurry of vegetables. Now given that, these vegetables and fruits cannot grow all thro the year, in their natural environment, cash-rich crops are grown, with GM or hybrid seeds, provided by industrial-biotech innovations, by captive farming methods.  These modified crops are not consumption and digestion friendly to the human body(or for that matter any living organisms). And hence it is as good as garbage!

Now, any average computer science kid will say, that  the computer output will be GIGO(Garbage In Garbage Out)..

So if we consume such garbage, what would, our body constitution would be, now and then in future, and in-turn our off spring would be!

End of part#1

to be continued....

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Health&Food #1

Welcome all.. the purpose of this article is to help people escape from now-popular Diabetes, Cardiac dysfunction, Cancer by conscious health- food intake/Management
..and bring about good food behavior in our daily lives..and spread gud words in ur circle of influence/ friends, on ur learning..

What is Gud Food Behaviour...? That is doing a gud job, from sourcing to consumption, including preparation gud methods...

Elements of food source:

8 elements of good health are sea salt(Saindava Namak), sugar->liquid Jaggery, oil->Essential oils, water(filtered, but not RO), milk products(Desi milk, Desi Ghee), grains->millets, pulses(Organic), natural-farmed vegetables/fruits
Besides, best cooking vessel, is mud pot.

Mud pot, preserves micro nutrients, in the cooking process..

Starting point: make one change as a starting point and continue for 6 realize change in urself!😊

WATER: pls consume from only 3 stage filtered water--> that is physical, carbon, UV filtered!.. sufficient in Indian conditions..
RO water does more harm than good! RO plant removes all natural minerals, essential for human body...Even plants won't survive!...absence of essential minerals deprives natural immunity!

Essentials oils: only consume virgin cold pressed!
Alarm: the above said all 8 categories of food categories are under attack...

Thanks to modernized world! Time to reverse, to protect our health!
And in turn protect our friends and relatives!

Today, let's all take a Sankalpa...that we start to use one desi cow based product and one natural farm produced product and continue...encourage every family member to start...start from the child at home...that wud trigger the child like qualities of an adult..that wud be the Deepawali wish to all GoSevaks, including to Lord Krsna, who is also called GoPal and GoVinda... then wish all Happy Deepawali!...

Pls encourage ur friends too..
Jai Gomata, Jai GoSevaks, Jai GoBhakths! Jai GoPal!